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【新貨優惠 - Louis Roederer Et Philippe Starck, Brut Nature Rose, 2012】
講到Louis Roederer,就一定諗起Cristal香檳。其實,酒莊仲出過唔同嘅crossover香檳,呢款是與著名藝術家法國鬼才-Philippe Starck合作嘅玫瑰香檳。 繼首款2006年Brut Nature香檳,酒莊再度自我挑戰,講求純淨、真實的理念,著重自然風土的哲學,釀造不加糖 (Zero Dosage)香檳。 釀酒過程中改變創新,以傳統香檳法,並遵循Biodynamic法則,當中細節包括同日收割葡萄、同日壓榨、確保發酵過程(Fermentation Process )100%發生於木桶之內等等,展現出一款重視自然風味、具藝術設計嘅玫瑰香檳。 酒色為淺橙色,花椒的香氣結合紫羅蘭柔和芬香。中等酒體,強烈嘅果味,結構緊緻多汁,而且展現成熟而甜美嘅單寧。水果及酒體質感令人感受到出色的深度,展現出黑皮諾典型魅力。 === 此酒款在新貨優惠期內有$80折扣,另外訂購3/6支有94/92折優惠,自助網站落單選用過數付款,再有3%優惠。 === Louis Roederer Et Philippe Starck, Brut Nature Rose, 2012 混釀:5% Pinot Noir, 25% Pinot Meunier and 20% Chardonnay Wine Advocate 92分: The 2012 Brut Nature Rosé derives from biodynamically cultivated vineyards in Cumières, and this is the first time Roederer has ever released a rosé without dosage. Offering up aromas of warm bread, orange zest, red berries, oyster shell and rose petals, the wine is medium to full-bodied, brisk and incisive, with racy acids and a tight-knit, mineral core, complemented by a pinpoint mousse. Concluding with a penetrating, saline finish, this will unwind with a couple of years' bottle age, though true to the ambitions behind it, it will always remain a more minimalist expression of Champagne. 原價:$925 單支新貨優惠(-$80): $845 訂購任何6支92折過數價:$748/支 按此訂購 訂貨款,香港一支即免費送貨 支援澳門送貨,每支運費$20,全單最低運費$120 只售予18歲或以上人仕,請先確定閣下已達合法喝酒年齡。